World languages
L'uniforme en France - reading, speaking/writing
Worksheet with arguments for and against uniform in school and talking about uniform in France. Match up, translation, reading and speaking or writing exercises included.
Pour ou contre l'uniforme? Quel serait ton uniforme idéal?
Arguments for and against arguments with translation. Then writing (or speaking) using the main vocab to develop opinions with complex reasons. Ideal for GCSE School topic.
Tu étudies quelles matières? Reading, writing, speaking exercises
Worksheet to develop opinions on subjects (adjectives, adverbs, etc.) Translation, reading, writing and signature game. Ideal for GCSE topic of School.
Les vacances - questions dans tous les temps
Les vacances - questions dans tous les temps à préparer à l’écrit ou à l’oral pour l’unité GCSE “Holidays”
Ma journée à l'école hier - GCSE -school life- reading comprehension, translation, speaking/writing
Reading comprehension on school life in the past tense. It includes: rvocabulary exercise, gap fill past tense exercise, translation, speaking/writing GCSE questions. The text is great to use as a frame for writing with the use of verbs in the past and connectives.
Les activités dans ma ville (what to do in my town) GCSE reading comprehension
Reading comprehension including 5 activities: questions on the text, word sorting (verbs, adjectives, connectives), vocabulary, translation and speaking/writing questions to answer. Excellent to expand vocabulary and structure speaking/writing production (the text can be used as a writing frame) and for culture (finding out about Montpellier).
Ma ville - reading comprehension with vocab, translation and written/speaking exercises
Text to give students an example of production on the topic of “my town” with 4 exercises: reading comprehension, vocabulary, translation and written/oral production. Excellent for KS3 or GCSE.
ICT project - my town/holiday - GCSE
Great online project to do in class time or as homework for student to use all the vocab from “My Town” unit in GCSE. Could be linked with the topic of holiday too. Students have to plan an exchange in France and have to go through a series of 10 questions to build up their project. They can present it to the class, send it online or print it. Excellent for independent learning and cultural knowledge as they have to research information on a French town.
La jeunesse dans le film La Haine de Matthieu Kassovitz
Ideas, quotes, possible plan for an essay on the theme of youth in the film La Haine from Matthieu Kassovitz.
Les prisons en France - vocabulary, reading comprehension, speaking, summary, translation
Reading comprehension on the living conditions of the prisonners in Marseille, France. Exercises on vocabulary, reading comprehension, speaking, summary, translation. Great to develop skills and get students talking, giving them further specific facts. Vocab answers included.
5 idées reçues sur l'immigration - exam style vocab, speaking, reading and translation practice
Reading practice to give students a lot of facts about immigration and fight stereotypes. Vocabulary, comprehension, discussion and translation exercises.
L'immigration en France (faits, recherches, statistiques)
Worksheet on a video about immigration in France. Listening, speaking and writing exercises. Great to give students more background to their arguments before, eventually, formulating them.
Le personnage de Joseph dans Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Lesson to make students reflect on how Joseph is portrayed in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants (Louis Malle) The Powerpoints not only gives them ideas but prompt them to reflect and to eventually come up with an essay plan.
L'antisémistime dans le film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Lesson to make students reflect on how antisemitism is portrayed in the film Au Revoir Les Enfants (Louis Malle) The Powerpoints not only gives them ideas but prompt them to reflect and to eventually come up with an essay plan.
Au Revoir Les Enfants - si clauses
5 exercises to use si clauses in the context of the film Au Revoir Les Enfants by Louis Malle. It contains grammar rule gap fill, verb conjugation gap fill and 2 sets of translations (FR>EN and EN>FR), and a creative exercise. Answers are included.
Au Revoir Les Enfants et le subjonctif
5 exercices de révisions du subjonctif sur le film Au Revoir Les Enfants. Exercices de conjugaison, de traduction FRANÇAIS > ANGLAIS et ANGLAIS > FRANÇAIS. Le document inclue les réponses. Utilisable en AS ou A2. (TES does not show all 5 exercises in the preview)
Adjectifs avancés pour décrire les personnages du film "Au Revoir les Enfants" de Louis Malle
Adjectifs avancés pour décrire les personnages du film "Au Revoir les Enfants" de Louis Malle pour enricher le vocabulaire. Présentation Powerpoint avec feuille de travail sur les adjectifs avancés. Cela dure une leçon.
La réalisation/l'aspect cinématographique du film Au Revoir Les Enfants de Louis Malle
Lesson with questions and ideas for an essay on the cinematographic aspect of the film Au Revoir Les Enfants (colours, sound, shots, etc.) Prompting students to reflect and produce an essay plan at the end. Includes a mindmap to brainstorm ideas prior to or during lesson.
Mes dernières vacances (le passé composé) - reading, gap fill, speaking/writing activities
Text with gap fills (passé compose verbs), with vocab search and questions for either speaking or writing (or both) Great to use as a frame for students.
Battleship with verbs
Battleship with verbs, great to engage students and develop speaking. Initially used for work on Passé Composé but can be used with any tense. -ER, -IR, -RE verbs.